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So You're A Feminist?

This is my first post, and I was very conflicted on what to write. I spent a long time deleting, writing, deleting, re-writing. But I eventually decided to write what I believe, my reason for starting this blog. My name is Linley and my pronouns are she/her. On this blog, I support all types of women, no matter the race, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, or otherwise. I do not tolerate any form of discrimination, and if you are a overly-sensitive bigot who get angry whenever someone even slightly disagrees with your views, then this is not the place for you. I am brutally honest and unapologetic with my opinions, and in my onion, my views are fairly liberal. This blog is opinionated, but also educational. I will be willing to post opinions from other people, and will take submissions. I want to post about feminism and women all around the world. I don't have a set schedule, but I will try and post frequently. And will all that said...

Today, the term Feminist is used for many different reasons. Insults, labels, judgement. People who are against the feminist cause consider it a slur, or something you should be ashamed of. I've been told countless times I shouldn't be a feminist, and to stop being so sexist (which is entirely against the point of feminism), and some even go as far to say that I'm oppressing men. And it's not just men. Even self-announced feminists say have a certain category you have to fit into, a feminist mold, if you will. And the mold is usually a white, cis straight, woman, unless a person's diversity is useful. There's tension and anger from all sides, when I feel the goal should be to get everyone on the same side. Everyone has a different definition of feminism and no one should be forced to fit into anyone's definition but their own. Personally, I have a very broad and very simple definition.

Support and welcome all women, no matter what.



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